Design consulting and web site updates
We discussed brand consulting solutions with the client in order to refine how best to convey the appeal of a “listening” service offered through an enterprise “online 1 on 1” system, then implemented these findings in an updated web site design.
During the consulting stage, the client shared with us their management and marketing strategies, and we used design-based thinking to analyze the brand and embody it into an image.
We emphasized communication design in the way information was used on the web site, restructuring information and the flow of visitors on each page in line with the policies we defined. The design also incorporated touches to enhance visibility and visual appeal.
One issue was the volume of text; to the extent possible, we visualized abstract ideas using diagrams, clarifying finer points that had been vague when the site was only composed of text. This had a positive outcome and was one of the ways we used design-based thinking to handily solve this enterprise issue.
In this way, we have build up numerous information assets in the design consulting space.